Custom Executors¶


The interface for custom executors is rudimentary right now. Please, give some feedback if you managed to implement a custom executor or have suggestions for improvement.

Please, also consider contributing your executor to pytask-parallel if you believe it could be helpful to other people. Start by creating an issue or a draft PR.

pytask-parallel allows you to use your parallel backend as long as it follows the interface defined by Executor.

In some cases, adding a new backend can be as easy as registering a builder function that receives some arguments (currently only n_workers) and returns the instantiated executor.

from concurrent.futures import Executor

from my_project.executor import CustomExecutor
from pytask_parallel import ParallelBackend
from pytask_parallel import WorkerType
from pytask_parallel import registry

def build_custom_executor(n_workers: int) -> Executor:
    return CustomExecutor(
        max_workers=n_workers, worker_type=WorkerType.PROCESSES, remote=False

registry.register_parallel_backend(ParallelBackend.CUSTOM, build_custom_executor)

Given pytask_parallel.WorkerType pytask applies automatic wrappers around the task function to collect tracebacks, capture stdout/stderr and their like. The remote keyword allows pytask to handle local paths automatically for remote clusters.

Now, build the project requesting your custom backend.

pytask --parallel-backend custom


pytask applies automatic wrappers